Technical Services

Conservation Planning

Landowner’s are encouraged to develop a conservation plan that outlines how natural resource concerns on their operation will be addressed. Areas of concern when developing a conservation plan include; gully erosion, excess nutrients and sediment runoff. Conservation districts provide education, technical assistance and site inspection to landowners to minimize soil erosion that produces sediment runoff that pollute local streams and waterways.

Agriculture Water Quality

The Kentucky Agriculture Water Quality Act was enacted in 1994 by the General Assembly to protect the waters of the Commonwealth. The Division of Water mandates that landowners with ten acres or more voluntarily develop an Ag Water Quality Plan. The plan addresses, silviculture, pesticides, farmstead, cropland, streams, livestock and streams, in outlining management practices to be implemented to protect and conserve resources.

Agriculture Water Quality Planning Tool

The link below contains a workbook to be used by landowners as a tool to analyze their individual operations water resource concerns. Once the resource concerns are identified, best management practices are implemented on the land to correct the deficiencies. Conservation Districts and NRCS provide assistance on developing and updating plans, identifying resource concerns and implementing the plan.